Friday, February 9, 2007

A post is a post is a post.

Patched together here is some praise for an architecture that is at once complete and open ended, discussion of the abstract machine and its processing capacity. It stands for flexibility over stiffness, the organization of present as well as future conditions. What I find difficulty in (if I have it right) is the suggestion that meaning and purposivness in diagrammatic architecture resides solely in the surfaces and materiality. Interpretation is inherent. It is what we do, cognition and apprehension already processes of translation.
The analogy of the architectural diagram to electrical flow is a sturdy visualization beyond that exception. “The diagram may be the channel through which any communication with architecture’s outside must travel, but the flow of information along these channels will never be smooth and faultless…” This web of circuitry brings to mind the creative practices mentioned and espoused in Lucy’s lecture this week- words as things, planning as participatory, intricate, convoluted.

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