Friday, February 9, 2007

information in flux

Allen, Berkle, and Bos' ideas on the place of the diagram in arch. resonate much more with me now, than when we last reviewed them. Specifically, the idea that a truly well crafted diagram will not lead to a conclusion, but rather an iteration that represents a snap shot of interrelation. My thoughts then drifted to my working in Illustrator, with its vector-based interface. On a really dumb level, I am really taken by the menu option of "place", and that a file, once placed in the document, can be altered apart from the document, and that this newer version will find its way back into the illustrator assemblage. Further that the vectors themselves exist in a fluid state, and that they are only fixed until I shove them around to create a different image, but one that speaks to its constituent parts in the same way the image did before I tampered with it.
Further, when considering Allen's comments on how a diagrammatic building would also treat space and program as open ended possibilities, I though of the free space within the MEDIATHEUQE, and how it is configured to respond, like my illustrator doc., to the changing modes of media production / presentation that it is meant to contain.
I need food.

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