Friday, February 9, 2007

Clean up on aisle 6!!!

Ah, Stan Allen. I love this guy. So does the stimulant pharmaceutical industry.

After rereading particular sentences multiple times I think I finally understand the gist of what Stan0 is getting at. He is merely attempting to define an architecture driven by "real" circustances stripped of subjective influence. Diagramatic architecture takes literal, functional information related to a project and layers it to reveal other literal functional relationships, scenarios, and effects. These in turn are used to inform the architecture. Architecture inspired by this methodology is grounded in real world circumstance and not in the personal expression or whimsy of the architect. Notions of meaning or interpretation are theoretically removed. Architecture derived through this methodology is what it is. This isn't to say that the final relationships used to inform the design aren't complex or obvious. Rather that they are grounded in actuality. Such an architecture isn't open to interpretation. Interpretation is rendered moot by the fact that no meaning was intended.
Allen doesn't say that diagram architecture is right or wrong, better or worse than other styles. It just is what it is, much like the architecture it motivates.

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