Saturday, January 20, 2007

I found exclusive architecture vocabulary picked from everyday fascinating. First time I read james corner essay on map I was confused as ever about the words such as mapping, field, extracts, plotting or layering. These terms that I would use in everyday life in very different applications than what he proposes in architecture. This time I read it again it made more sense and kind of made a full cycle in my struggle to decide what is mapping and what is not. What would be tracing vs. mapping. The process of mapping is reproductive, generative, its about relationship of different components or elements in order to create new findings. Its carefully edited information, elements or extracts in order to explore new information which would help us design. It does not have a beginning nor an end. It continuous, perhaps in cycle and part of other relationships. I could not help to notice the huge different between where james corner and denis cosgrove over the term map. Cosgrove, is more appreciative of vast varieties of maps, representational or analytical. Where corner dismisses representational maps as merely tracings but cosgrove indicates maps in history has had different economical and political intentions and current rethinking of mappings has to do with changing techniques of seeing and making. I appreciate the four different types of mapping that corner mentions but I am not really satisfy with his examples of which has come up with.

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